Whos keeping an eye on me....

Friday 29 January 2021

Taman Negara Rain Forest (Malaysia)

Its been nearly 10 years since I visited this incredible jungle. Taman Negara is believed to be 150 million years old and I was priviledged to spend a week there in 2011. The search was for the Great Argus which unfortunatly I missed..... Luckily there are a miriad of other flora, fauna and mammals. Here are just a few of them.
Knight (Lebadea martha parkeri)
Chocolate Royal
Twin Barred Tree Snake This beautifully patterned snake is rarely seen. This species is able to glide considerable distances by inverting its ventral surface and launching itself from the tree tops. It is a mildly venomous back-fanged species
Common Sun Skink
Red Tailed Rat Snake This huge snake was in our chalet garden and stayed in this tree for three nights and days...... on the fourth night it had disappeared!!
Orchid and Fungi (Yellow stemmed Micropore)
white-thighed Surilli
Dusky Langur (Dusky Leaf Monkey) This fella followed me around for part of an afternoon, he always kept to the high cannopy, but stopped whenever I stopped.

Monday 25 January 2021


Trail cam footage of last nights activities in the garden

Monday 18 January 2021